N’s Weekly #55: A newsletter about DevOps & Machine Learning & Management

Necati Demir
2 min readJan 14, 2024

DevOps & Tools

[A] Switching Build Systems, Seamlessly —Here is the story of the migration without stopping development for the more than 120 teams contributing to Spotify’s weekly releases.

[T] TektonOpen source cloud native CI/CD system. You can create CI/CD pipelines on your Kubernetes.

[T] Loco The one-person framework for Rust for side-projects and startups. It seems like a project I would like to play with.

[A] In-browser code playgroundsAn article which explains how to run code on browser via WASM.

Data Science & Machine Learning

[A] Happy New Year: GPT in 500 lines of SQLThat is a an interesting article and so many to learn from.

[A] Prompt Engineering Guide I recently bumped to that article (a mini book) and if you need to learn prompt engineering, that can be your guide.

[A] Ten Noteworthy AI Research Papers of 2023 The author of this article shared 10 research papers he thinks noteworthy. I will agree with him and inviting you to read, even though I am sure you already know most of it if you are familiar with recent developments.

Leadership & Management & Processes

[A] Simple sabotage for software Let’s say you are a recently hired CTO and you want to sabotage the company you are working for but you also want to be perceived as “hard-working”. That article is your guide.

[A] Cognitive Distortions that Undermine Clear Thinking This articles provides 17 examples of cognitive distortion. Time to time, we all become victims of this kind of thinking, so it would be great to be aware of this.

